Work Events are not parties.

The Sales Meeting is a celebration of our achievements, and as Stryker employees we are all expected to always act with integrity. The Sales Meeting is a fully catered-for event with food and beverages. We do not expect any additional claimable expenses. 

Watch your alcohol consumption.

During the event, you are responsible for watching your alcohol consumption. Ensure you have an accountability buddy to hold each other accountable at any events with alcohol. You are responsible if you choose to drink alcohol and "I was drunk" is never an excuse for inappropriate behavior. 

Report inappropriate behaviour.

It is everyone's responsibility to report any inappropriate behaviors to your manager or human resources. Managers also have an affirmative obligation to address concerns raised by all employees. 

You represent Stryker to the public.

It is your responsibility to ensure your behavior reflects positively on Stryker. We expect all employees to always be professional and respectful to one another. Behavior that is not in line with our expectations may result in disciplinary action.

In Singapore

Singapore is known for its strict laws. While in Singapore, please ensure you are respecting and abiding the local laws. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adhering to the local laws in Singapore. Stryker is not responsible for any fines or penalties you may face during the sales meeting. “I didn’t know” is not an excuse to break the law. You may take a look at some of the local laws we have listed down under "About Singapore".