Nicotine Use

  • Vaping is strictly banned in Singapore, anyone found owning, buying a vape or vaping can be fined up to $2000 and/or a possible jail term. 
  • Nicotine patches are not widely available. You may bring in less than 3 month’s supply if you require them.
  • Smoking is only allowed in designated outdoor areas; you can be fined up to $200 for smoking in prohibited areas, and up to $1000 on public transport. 
  • Do not bring in any cigarettes or contraband into Singapore, if found in your possession, you can be fined up to $5000.

Drug Laws

  • Singapore has very strict drug laws. If you are found for drug possession, you can be fined up to $20,000 and face a 10-year jail term.
  • If you are found guilty of bringing in or trafficking drugs (cannabis, meth, cocaine, or heroin) into Singapore, you may face the death penalty. Please refer to the list of controlled drugs here .
  • You are allowed to bring in less than 3 months’ worth of prescriptive medication into Singapore. However, you are not allowed to bring in any personal medication that contain prohibited substances. You may use this online tool to check if your medication is allowed here.  

Alcohol Laws

  • Drinking in public areas is banned from 10:30pm to 7am the next day. You can only drink in licensed premises.
  • There is a liquor control zone in Little India and Geylang, where there is no sale of alcohol from 10:30pm on Fridays to 7am the following Monday. 

Chewing Gum

  • The sale and import of chewing gum are banned in Singapore.
  • If found in your possession, you may be fined up to $2000. If you are found to be importing chewing gum, you may be fined up to $10,000 with a possible jail time.
  • Consider alternatives like mints during your stay in Singapore. 

Clean and Green Singapore

  • Law officials take cleanliness and orderliness very seriously, imposing fines for littering, spitting, graffiti, and jaywalking. If caught, you can be fined up to $1000.
  • On public transportation, do not eat or drink or bring flammable liquid or gas. If caught you can be fined up to $500 and $5000, respectively.