It is my first time in Singapore, what should I expect?Singapore is known for its strict laws. While in Singapore, please ensure you are respecting and abiding the local laws.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adhering to the local laws in Singapore. Stryker is not responsible for any fines or penalties you may face during the sales meeting.

“I didn’t know” is not an excuse to break the law. 

What are some information of Singapore I should take note of?   

*source: www.accuweather.com

Weather The city is humid and hot year-round, with humidity consistently exceeding 80 percent. The average temperature is around 21 to 32 degrees Celsius with occasional rain.

Currency The Singapore dollar is the official currency of the Republic of Singapore. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. Notes come in denominations of S$2, S$5, S$10, S$50, S$100, S$1,000, and S$10,000. Coins come in 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c and S$1.

Safe Drinking Water Singapore's tap water is well within international guidelines set by the World Health Organisation, as well as the United States Environmental Protection Agency's drinking water standards. It is suitable for drinking without further filtration or boiling.

Power Plug The standard electrical current used in Singapore is 220-240 volts AC (50 cycles) and you can use power plugs with three square prongs here. 

No Smoking Areas You are not allowed to smoke in all air-conditioned places such as malls and eateries. You may smoke in designated smoking areas.
Useful ContactsPolice: 999
Ambulance and Fire Brigade: 995
Non-emergency Ambulance: 1777