• Can I get early check-ins or late check-outs?

    Early Check-ins and late check-outs are subject to availability upon request. There is no guarantee.

  • What time is check out on the 19th of February 2024?

    Unless you are extending your stay or have other arrangements, your hotel check-out time is at 12pm on the 19th of February, 2024.

  • What do I need to prepare for the APACSM?

    Please download the Stryker APACSM app from the app store before arrival to Singapore. This app is needed for registration and language translations during the event. You can download it from there: Apple Store and Google Play Store.
    For Chinese Users: You can download the app from this APK link: click here 

    APP instruction manual: click here

  • Will there be an airport transfer to the hotel?

    Upon arrival, airport transfers have been arranged according to your flight arrival time on 15th and 16th of February 2024. Upon departure, airport transfers have been arranged according to your flight departure time on 19th of February 2024. If you are planning to extend your stay in Singapore, you will have to arrange your own airport transfer.

  • Where do I check in to my hotel and register for the event?

    The hotel check-in and event registration will happen on level 4 of Raffles City Convention Center. There will be ushers and signages who will guide you to the check-in and registration counter from 7am-7pm. For attendees staying at the Carlton Hotel, hotel check-in will be at the Carlton Hotel, while your event registration will happen at level 4 of Raffles City Convention Center. You will need to have downloaded the APACAM app on your phone to register for the event. Please ensure you have done this ahead of time. If you are arriving before 7am or after 7pm, please check in at your hotel lobby, either Swissotel The Stamford, Fairmont Hotel, or Carlton Hotel.

  • I am arriving before / after the 15th and 16th of February, where do I check-in and register for the event?

    If you are arriving before or after the 15th and 16th of February 2024, please check in at your hotel lobby, either Swissotel The Stamford, Fairmont Hotel, or Carlton Hotel. For event registration, registration will be open from 7am-7pm on the 17th of February 2024. We do not expect any registration after the 17th of February 2024; however, should you arrive only after registration closes on the 17th of February, please look for one of the organizing committee in the gray lanyard to help with your registration or contact your country lead.

  • How do I know which sessions do I go for?

    Please attend your respective country meeting and country franchise breakouts on 17th February 2024. For example, If I am a sales representative from Japan, I will attend the Japan country meeting and Japan country franchise breakouts. On the 18th of February 2024, please attend your respective division and franchise breakouts. For example, If you are a JR sales representative, you will be attending the Joint replacement and Mako division breakout and the JR franchise breakout.

  • I require translation during the APACSM, what do I need?

    Translation services will be provided via the APACSM application. Please download it ahead of time. You will also be provided a wired earphone during the APAC Sales Meeting, please collect them during your registration process at the hospitality desk. In our efforts to be green, we will be recycling and reusing these earphones. please return them to the hospitality desk at the end of the event.

  • Will the professional photos and videos taken be used externally and internally?

    By attending the Asia Pacific Sales Meeting, you acknowledge and agree that the photos and videos taken by our event photographer may be used for internal and external use. If you have any concerns, please email us at ApacSalesMeeting@Stryker.com.

  • Am I allowed to claim my meals with my corporate credit card?

    The Sales Meeting is a fully catered-for event with food and beverages. We do not expect any additional claimable expenses.

  • Where can I find the breakfast location?

    You can find the location of the breakfast for each hotel on the Agenda or the Hotel Accommodation tab.